Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"Children are our future." Ah, how true it is. They have been everything from the embodiment of joy and innocence in popular culture to the representation of spiritual purity in the New Testament. They make us happy; being stupid and making ridiculous noises around a baby is a universal imperative, an unbreakable law alongside "The Law of Discontinued Perfection," whose existence is alive and well.

The jerks stopped carrying my favorite brand of orange juice in the grocery store! What? Why? They didn't even ASK first. Now, I'm forced to consume sub-par, acidic juice for my Vitamin C. Unexceptable. But that's not the point of this post.

Without these laws, the universe would cease to function. It's a fact. No, don't read a book; you won't find it there, just search your feelings, Luke. Let the force flow through you. Yes, good, good. You have come a long way, Young One.

But children are have their own rules, a role to play in the continuity of the universe, which, in this case, is being really, really blunt. Example:

I went over to Andreas' house yesterday to play a game with his daughters Pauline (2 yrs), Emilie (5 yrs), and Svenia (7 yrs) because I had promised to a week earlier at his birthday party, but didn't. I could say it was because I was busy or tired, but to be honest, I just didn't feel like it. Anyway, a fulfilled my promise yesterday.

We played Flohmarkt (Flea Market), Aquarium, and Geistertreppe (Ghost Stairs), pleasant board games that conjoured up memories of Mister Rogers marathons, apple juice, Animal Crackers and fear of Sesame Street's Count. Aside from some flailing and screaming when someone "wasn't ever allowed to go first" it was fun, one of those activities that reminds you of the glories of early childhood, while at the same time makes you thank God you're past it. Yet somewhere in all these games and pediatric gymnastic displays, Svenia found time to comment on my laugh and pronouce with the subtlety of a jackhammer:

"Du hast riesige Zähne. Du siehst wie ein Hase aus. (You have huge teeth. You look like a rabbit.)"

Thanks, Svenia. I almost forgot.

Children are our future.


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