I've been reading Harry Potter for the last week or so, in German, and I just thought I would share something that made me a lot happier than it should have....HAGRID IS FROM SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN! Yes, that's right, the translator of the Harry Potter books makes Hagrid speak in Northern German slang. As far as why, the only thing I can think of is that Hagrid has a Southwestern English accent in the original books, kind the English equivalent to an American Southern accent, so the German translator gave Hagrid the German accent that best conjures up pictures of quaint farmers....Schleswig-Holstein.
And Hagrid says "moin" with the best of them, not to mention every negative with an enthusiastic "nee," the stock "no" answer around here. God, I'm sad. But that doesn't change for fact that it makes me excited. I'm cool in spite of myself, so there.
And Hagrid says "moin" with the best of them, not to mention every negative with an enthusiastic "nee," the stock "no" answer around here. God, I'm sad. But that doesn't change for fact that it makes me excited. I'm cool in spite of myself, so there.
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